Student examining historical stereographs through a stereoscopic viewer


历史课程训练学生分析性写作, helps them learn how to organize and utilize various kinds of evidence, and provides perspectives that enable a better understanding of human behavior and cultural difference.


The history program’s fundamental purpose is to encourage an understanding and, 通过研究, 这是历史意识的应用, “the coherent organization of experience in historical time;” a just appreciation of the interrelationship of past, 现在, and future; and the knowledge that social change in this context is inevitable.

The 历史 Program offers survey courses in world and American history, 以及各种各样的美国专业课程, 欧洲, 和非西方历史. Except for seminars reserved for majors, all history courses are open to the student body at large. Even advanced courses host a large number of students who are there just because they like to learn about history. Bringing together students from a variety of academic majors, 这些课上的讨论提供了不同的观点.


历史 majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


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  • 埃默里大学.Div.)
  • 俄亥俄州立大学.D.、法律)
  • 肯塔基大学.F.T.、咨询)
  • 孟菲斯大学(M.A.(欧洲近代史)
  • 瓦尔帕莱索法学院(J.D.、法律)


历史 majors lay the foundation for their work by taking world and American history survey courses as first-year students and sophomores. Later courses include African, American, Asian, 欧洲, Latin American, and Middle Eastern history. 历史 faculty also offer several thematic courses that cross these regional boundaries. Upperclass students often complete an independent study under the guidance of a professor. 所有专业的学生都参加研究研讨会, which allows them to write a major research paper on a topic of their choice while learning historiography (the principles of historical research) and professional historians’ tools of the trade.




Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

历史 majors can take their 欧洲 history on site while participating in Centre’s programs in Strasbourg, 法国, 和伦敦, 英格兰. Other study abroad options that often offer history courses include the College’s semester program in Merida, 墨西哥, and several shorter programs in countries ranging from Uganda to Guatemala.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

Internship opportunities abound for history majors — from working in the Imperial War Museum in London, 英格兰, 到在华盛顿担任国会助理.C., to learning about historical preservation at the Perryville Battle Field Civil War historic site. 


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences 教育 prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

历史专业的学生都从事法律工作, 新闻, 医学, 教学, 政府和外交部门, 教育, 图书馆及博物馆工作, 神学, 银行, 业务, 公共关系.

Man with dark hair and beard wearing blue patterned button up standing outside on campus

乔纳森L. 厄尔

  • Marlene and David Grissom 副教授 of Social Studies
  • Co-Chair of Uganda Studies Group (African Studies Association)
  • Senior Editor of Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African 历史
